Friday, September 14, 2007

Fiddling with the controls....

So, it was late on Friday night and I was fooling around on the blog, exploring the different things I could do with the site and I came across the ability to add a list of my favorite books. Now I realize that the list is somewhat short, but if I added all the books I wanted to the list it would probably fill up the entire page and then some. Hence the current length. You can expect me to add more that I just can't pass up, or if I come across another book (I'm thinking of several favorite authors I have neglected with that list of mine) I loved, I will add it. If you want to know which is my absolute favorite, it'd be the Blue Sword by Robin McKinley. I read that book when I was 13 and I still LOVE that book. My copy is very well loved... and starting to look very tattered, poor thing.

How was that for totally jogging off the path of creating a blog for a class? I thought I did pretty well. ;) Anyway, its late for me, so I'm going to go curl up for the night. PS The Book list is at the very bottom of the page. Night


Callie Brady said...

Great Blog! Just want to let you know you are a wonderful writer. Your blog is a lot of fun to read. And I am going to check out your booklist for sure. Extraneous information is a good thing.

Allison Jones said...

I think you're a wonderful writer too! Very interesting and I'll be checking in to see what you're up to.

Book Lover said...

I enjoyed your book list it might motivate me to put one together.