October Days....
Welcome to October! I love October! I hope I haven't just shot myself in the proverb
ial foot with saying that, but it is my favorite time of year. The woods smell great after the first rains, and its getting quiet out there too. Darkness settles early, and most of the critters are settling down to sleep for the winter. At least those that haven't flown the coop already. Its also time for Halloween!! This is always a good thing in my book. Everyone gets to go out and be someone else for a day, and everyone really needs that I think. In honor of Halloween I have been playing with my blog to add fun little elements for the occasion. The font will also switch from blue to orange for a while, unless it looks really bad. In which case it'll go to blue again, or another color. Hopefully I am not alienating anyone by doing that, but... I've always loved this particular semi holiday, in which we don't actually get a day off from work, but get a day off from ourselves. And it lets the creativity spill out in many many ways, which I love to see. I was going to try and go as a Brown Coat from Firefly this year, so we'll see if I can get my costum
e together in time. :)This weekend I should've been working on the project for the Lib Sci 20 class, but I managed to feel no too great the last couple of days. I basically just slept a lot and felt generally bad. This particular set of circumstances seems to be righting itself, so I decided to play with my blog some more. You may have noticed that I added a real of clips to the side. These are from Cartoon Network's Boomerang channel. All are musical clips having to do with Hannah Barbarra cartoons, or older. Once you watch one, be sure to check out the little clips that are related at the bottom. One of my favorites is the one with El Kabong by Calexico. Great short, and well done. Yes, I am a cartoon-o-holic. I freely admit it. The one for JabberJaw is good too, as well as Josie and the Pussycats!Its late, and I need to hit the sack so I can get up at the crack of dawn to get to my internship on time. So I bid you all a good night, and enjoy the clips, and the Halloween gifs I put in here. Night night. :)
Kristine - What a fabulous blog! You have done such an outstanding job with adding the images, video and color to your site. The orange works great against the black. And the humor and wit used in your writing makes any reader excited to read on I went through all of your posts since the last required one and I appreciate your regular updates. I'm also a huge fan of the fall. It is my favorite season and I'm absolutely loving this cooler weather!
I'm sorry to hear about your struggles in your other online class and you may want to consider contacting the instructor with your concerns. I was also pleased that I provided you a sense of balance with this course! I'm glad to hear that all-in-all online learning is working out very well for you and meeting your expectations. You're a delight to have in class - keep up the wonderful work! -Suzanne
Love how you have dressed up your blog to celebrate Fall and Halloween and love to read yours posts! Keep the photos, etc., coming... along with your writing this is a fun and educational place to spend some time. Thanks!
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